It's XibiDonqing's birthday on the 30th!
Want to help make her a card? All you have to do is create a tile wishing her a happy birthday and I'll add it to the canvas. Once we fill in all the spaces/run out of time we post it and send it to her to wish her a happy birthday.
>RulesTiles must be in 200x200 dimensions. 200x200 is the ideal size but multiples of it (e.g. 400x400, 400x200 etc) will also work.
>Previous card examplesAnny - Frog - >How will you send it to her?An anon made a burner account to send the Frog her card, hopefully he'll do the needful again
>What's the point? She'll never see it or react to it!It's for fun nigga, chill out.
>I'm creatively bankrupt and don't know what to do!Some ideas to get the ball rolling - Chibi off her meds in a party hat, a bowl of parmesan cheese with birthday candles in it, "Happy Brrrrrrrthday" etc (These are just examples, your tile might be much better)