>>51488845>>51488925>>51488966I love people who don't know anything about how Cover works claiming Cover is "failing to attract top or mid tier talents". Casual reminder that barely half of HoloEN was even vtubers to begin with, let alone ID or JP. Some examples.
>MoriRandom music/animator channel barely streamed
>KiaraRandom cosplayer and ex-Idol.
>InaRandom professional industry artist who sometimes streamed. Had a vtuber model but was barely a vtuber desu
>SanaIndustry grade artist like Ina except she basically never streamed almost
>FaunaASMR rp youtuber
>Koborandom actual nobody who had never streamed before
>Moona random idol/model who joined cover because she's dumb and thought Hololive was an actual idol company
>Risufunny enough also joined because she thought Cover/Hololive was a proper actual idol company
>KaelaEsports girl with no background in vtubing at all
>Subarunever streamed before
>multiple other examplesCover loves to hire people they think are talented or diamonds in the rough. They do not give a fuck about your "super talented and gifted superstar indie vtuber!" talent. They care about finding people who fit the character model, who have talent, and who fit well with the other members. They hired Ame who was a literal 3view at best rando. The fact is, people who make threads like this are either just salty 2view indies who got denied in auditions or phasecuck/idolENcucks making retarded anti posts about Cover.