>>35505889>>35505990Lia continues to offer the premiere full meta vtuber experience expertly crafting multilayered full immersion ideological content games for her viewers to untangle.
The subtle cover of engaging Perlin Festival as an outing to rediscover the origins of her Autistic Creature, it being it's own subtle reference to her distaste for being burdened with the Phase Connect company mascot on her initial model, while in actuality using it as a discreet mechanism of engaging the TRANS RIGHTS content inside of the game before a short unfortunate "crash" with no attempt to re-engage the content. Her silence during the on screen content creating not only a teachable moment but at the same time referencing back to her Twitter support of another trans performer casting an arguable shadow of doubt but more accurately demonstrating her professional work ethic in steering around it. The layers of Lia's body of work really rises above and beyond the simple surface level appearance of her zoomerisms giving the overall stimulation she provides a satisfying depth to it that some other talents simply dont focus on.