>>11431603If you save something, your browser often receives a filename. You can guess the image source by the filename:
29f29f679cc0939dab6255d9253508d0.jpg This is probably an image from Gelbooru. Use the search there with the term md5:29f29f679cc0939dab6255d9253508d0 and you'll get one result with a nice Fubuki image.
90422523_p0.jpg comes from Pixiv. It's a number followed by _p0 (or _p1 and so on, if it's an gallery) and eventually master1200 (if it's not the full size image).
EsnmOJNUUAAm2AC.jpg this is Twitter pattern. I don't know how to reverse search them.
1615664864315.jpg this is obviously 4chan, if you're saving an image by a right click and save image.
There are more pattern such as 20210816_131355.jpg or a bunch of tags separated by underscores which are used by different boorus.
I'm also filling my folder, but duplicates or altered filenames are a real issue for me.