>>59554926Leaflit is a /k/-core chuuba who moved from California to Texas just so she could expand her gun collection. Older than an originalfag, she was in the same IRC channel as Moot before 4chan was even made. Streams with her real mother Asari, and when they're not together Leaflit is usually binging some PvP game for 12 hours at a time. She also plays a different variety of games, but I usually watch her play Tarkov VR and watch her kill children. She is also very opinionated, but if you can handle different opinions then you'll probably have a nice time watching her, especially if you enjoy the more conspiracy theorist opinions. She also shows her guns on stream whenever she fancies it.
As for Asari, admittedly, I don't watch Asari much, that's more my fault than hers. But from what little I've seen; she usually has to tardwrangle her daughter. Sprays her with water on stream, teases her in front of her friends and audience, brings leaflit food and drinks and you can sometimes see her type in chat telling her daughter to go to sleep.