>>23147881Shit anon, that's awesome. Do you mean I upload mine or you want to upload your file? Because my .blend is just barely over catbox's size limit of 200 MB, but you can upload yours and I can try putting it on there. Or I can upload my .blend on another website, any ideas? We can have variants, this is pretty cool.
>>23136704Thank you! I've completed it to my satisfaction, for now at least.
>>23128114Please anchor to the /morig/ Overview after the anthropology section with the attached picture.
# Hair and eyes of the Deadbeat
Deadbeats have rather small amounts of hair. Body hair is almost completely absent on the trunk and limbs. Males are beardless, and hair on the scalp is an utter rarity. Females have sparse scalp hair commonly enough, and both sexes have thin eyebrows, though chuubanite exposure acts as a significant hair growth enabler. The lack of melanin in the skin is also found in the hair and eyes. Hair will be white, pale grey or platinum blonde, with irises displaying a similar range of colors. For both, high concentrations of Mori-type chuubanite in the body have an effect, tinting the features with the pink shade typical of the magical substance. Most deadbeats do not have chuubanite accumulations sufficient to display this, but it is usually found in Goddess Faithful clergy-people. The eyes can even glow slightly in certain individuals and under the right conditions.