>>90732117Sadly Kyusai chan has graduated, but you might be interested in her reincarnation.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSNv4H7yuhsRikoeru is actually two characters, Rikoru and Eruha, played by the same person. It's a yuri comedy romance with mild menhera/yandere elements. It's mostly video based since obviously she can't stream as both characters at once, but she plans on making it into a multi-media project. She released a physical doujin manga recently.
(sadly, it looks like she's taken down some videos, she's prone to doing that unfortunatley)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyH9HJR05P8The queen of creativity in my opinion, however, is definitely Ljot Swanhild.
Her content began as small micro-reviews of games, typically involving either music or some form of transportation. Definitely gives me autistic /trv/ trainkid vibes. However, recently her videos have become these surreal pieces about her wandering and travelling through a lonely world inhabited by other versions of herself with pensive molologues.
She's also a dj and is releasing an EP soon!