>>45892319>If someone tells them to kill themselves as a reaction to their attacks, they're only vindicted and motivated to harass some more, to get more vindicated.They will be insulted and go into overdrive to try and lash back, but they are pissing and shitting themselves inside, which is also precisely *why* they will - at first - try to respond to pushback with mania, because you triggered their narcissistic rage.
But it is all facile, superficial. They are creatures whose behavior is more or less entirely motivated by external validation, which is why they are psychotically focused on trying to regiment the world in general and their neighbors in particular to provide them validation - and also why they are so vulnerable to anything that claps back.
The moment they feel the tide is against them, they immediately turn to start swimming with the tide instead. They don't fight to the end because they never had a principle in the first place. And they don't say they changed their minds either. In their minds, they have always believed whatever they evince belief for, no matter how many times they have changed direction; because there is no 'there' in there, in the first place. It reasons only to rationalize, blown hither and tither by the winds of social expediency.