Fuck, I write too much. You asked for it...
>>90091589I didn't forget you, here's your report.
>off the pitchThe HYP was amazing and worked great.
We need to work on the Audio Export. I tested it several times with several programs and it always sounded good. It was quite a surprise that it was so crunchy ingame. I don't blame the Wisp who reworked the 1.0 version, I guess it was my mistake, but I don't really get it. His chant reworks sounded nice, perhaps I should ask him to also set up a new cut of the anthem, goal horn and victory anthem from scratch.
>on the pitchWe made it 2-0 in both matches, it looked good, but then they ran out of energy - both times. We didn't concede a single goal in the first half of either match, but 4 in each second half. The timing of the goals was so awkward that it prevented any preset change which totally nullified my intended pastebin with instructions.
The SS Chocomint with nonmedal CF worked pretty good, all things considered, but I still feel as if our attack was more effective with her as CF and nonmedal SS. A lot of different players scored and this is great.
Frogbert and V1 kept the defense together nicely at the beginning and then fell off. Players with the playstyle "The Destroyer" are aggressive, but really don't like actually having the ball, you could really see this. They were almost mandatory at the start and a detriment as the matches progressed. I see the problem, but don't see the solution yet.
Makes Me Feel Good deserves a special mention. Before that /hfz/ match, I would have argued cutting him from the squad because of redundancy, we already have the Minto ghostbuster (Bustin Bustin Bustin), so why do we need an RPJ ghostbuster as well?
Then... /hfz/ match. He got clowned on again and again, was out of position, even the chat and other threads noticed that he was to blame for a lot of goals. However, he's a copy of the other defenders and our defenders played pretty well. Now I'd argue cutting the Minto ghostbuster for redundancy and keep him instead as a token/talisman player with the name Bustin Bustin Bustin (which was originally supposed to be his name anyway). I remember that Wisps criticized that many players in VTL were just "Minto, but X".
>the fuck is a token playerA shitter you keep around for SOVL reasons and good luck, the best example would be Selenbear. She's not a bad keeper, but she has that bad rep. It's team lore, makes players more lively, gives anons something to talk about. It's not just a player like any other (even if he is if you check the stats and ingame shit), but a character in itself. He basically became what we wanted the Sand Curse keeper to be.
Now, please tell me what (You) think. Or just in general how you guys experienced the matches. I understand that this is a lot of text and much is about game mechanics, so I can understand that you may struggle to find something to write about. Just know, I do indeed ponder about all of this.
>>90148151It looks nice, Wisp. It's interesting to see all the neat stuff Wisps come up with and what they can do.