>>93281370>for all these years streaming has merely been a hobby, but I want to take it more seriously now.You asked for real genuine advice so here it is.
If you seriously want to do this for a living then you must network with the right people.
This is a business. You are providing a service. You provide entertainment. There are plenty of zero views that are plenty entertaining that do really funny things, but no one knows about them because they do almost no self-promo and no networking.
But even if you do that you will miss out on big promotions because of networking.
You're lucky you're female because networking becomes a bit easier, but it depends on the type of female you are. Don't be a bitch. Be nice. Be easy to get along with, but don't get used. It's really hard to balance. Find an oishi within your level (50 ccv~). Start hanging out with them or trying to talk with them.
After a month of being a solid viewer of streams reach out to them in DMs and ask for help, not a collab.
Despite all the negativity around corporations, it's actually a GOOD thing. Corporations are a roll of the dice. You join a group which is going to do a big debut. This gets lots of views and attention. Your goal is to get undying fans which really really really like your content.
Go look at the center girls from failed corporations and see what they did and mimic that.
The point is that you are using the corporations to get notoriety and convert those fans into perma fans.
Then you rinse and repeat after your corporation will eventually go under.
A good example would be Ephemira from Production Kawaii. Check out that gen and see how they do their streams.
>how can I balance editing with streaming and also studying? Become very focused with your time. No more brain rot. No more not getting up and doing things. Use alarms and stick to them.
For the love of god close your other tabs and windows when editing.
You are going to have to sacrifice sleep, socialization time, and other real life things.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2npllKfTlb0>kirsche>lmaoYeah I know, but there is a lot of good advice here.
The only reason she is where she is is because of Pippa and Gundam.
Networking with big people is the most important things.
Banana is doing the same thing right now with Filian and Chacha.
But honestly, you would be better off getting a career and actually working.
Also blue buff and big titty buffs are real.