>>74115856the animals all live in different regions sorta based on the abilities they got from humans
rats live in a steampunk society and the thing they were blessed with was money and resources to build steampunk stuff. they made a neat sky train thing that connects all the regions
the ox were blessed with extremely fertile land so their region kinda looks like rural japan. they're the main food exporter
wolves have a kinda martial art thing going on and they train in harsh mountain conditions
rabbits have sex and live in smelly underground sexgoon caves
dragons are blessed with legitimate magic powers and they're the only ones with magic. they're apparently close to how powerful humans are, and even sorta live close to them in the clouds
at this point koragi kinda admitted she was coming up with a lot of these on-the-spot
snakes have both healing and poison powers even though they've promised to not to use poison. they live in china
the goats are super hardy and they live in the most extreme conditions possible
horses go fast koragi kinda forgot where they lived
the boars are traders and merchants
also everybody in the ragiverse are canonically cute girls