>>1719211Lmao he spilled his sippy cup of juice while furiously typing that out. Jesus dude you are a little fagget bitch, why do you care so much? Why are you defending this dime a dozen artist so hard? I just want to see the contract, if there is one. If not than this is all dead in the water. Don't try to have sex with VTubers because it will never happen, they date only those they personally know in real life that they met OUTSIDE that whole life. Digifagget or whoever he is, no one cares about you, no one actually read your stupid post, and if you do Dox Melody I don't think you are prepared for the shit storm her diehard simps who'd do what you did for less and still be happy, will bring down on your head. Melody is great, went from triggering cam whores and Twitter feminists to causing simps to simp till they can simp no more because they want to be the only simp in the sea of simps. Get fucked fagget nice rambling irrelevant post you got there little bitch who probably has a small dick.