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Please allow me to repost my favorite post /here/ again, if the author is here, I worship you.
Luxiem members and period sex, in no particular order:
100% down for it, no questions asked. Might make a poorly considered joke/comment or two about the smell or "wow, looks like the bite of 87 happened in here!" but would thoroughly enjoy himself and it would show.
Very tentative about the whole thing but not necessarily averse. Would eventually be swayed if she told him he doesn't need to wear a condom. Light flow only.
Not into it at all. Not grossed out by the biology of it, just doesn't like the thought of the general mess and of there being blood on his dick. Would politely yet firmly decline.
"Mm, sure, why not." Doesn't treat it too differently from normal. Would prefer to have it in the shower for maximum cleanup efficiency, but not a must.
"On your period?! But you're bleeding! That's gross, anon! Gro-o-ossss!" and then laughs light-heartedly. Better not to ask in the first pla