>>86952666>God doesn't exist, and if he existed and was as described in the Bible, he would be humanity's greatest enemy.>666Ok satan, fitting post number
God in the bible is described as loving and as a personal and yet righteous creator who wishes to spend eternity with His beloved creations, His sons and daughters
He sent His only begotten Son to die for the faults and sins of His creations despite being able to just wipe them out and start over
He gave His son Adam and His daughter Eve a free will so that their love is mutual and not forced, then one of His other creation that rebelled deceives humanity's first couple to cause His creator grief, leading to God promising the eventual destruction of evil and suffering in the world(purging of the wicked, the 2nd coming)
As presented in the bible, God is a great someone to have as a creator and someone worthy of praise and worship, for He is most good and most righteous and most just and most loving and most powerful and most patient, but most importantly, He is holy, holy, holy
God became less than His creation(angels) for a time in the world, in the form of Jesus(God the Son) and lived a perfect and sinless life, after which he died the most painful and gruesome death, which was also prophesied in the old testament in detail
Satan is a destined loser, and the Lord laughs at him, for He knows his time is short