>>7693572>>7693519The funny thing as mentioned in these threads during the stream is that LoL is one of the most baby-friendly mobas and not a very complex game. You literally pick from a pool of like 20 meta heroes per patch and play the same lane, the same item builds, the same matchups every fucking game holy shit it's so boring. Maybe it's less ironic and more a logical inevitability that the most babby-friendly moba attracts the most ragers and gives its players PTSD.
No one who plays any other "competitive" or "difficult" games has that same level of hate for it. SC players loved the golden years of SC and SC:BW and talk about it fondly. Dark Souls players love replaying all the games and have kept the community alive years after the last game. Fighting game players buy every installment of their favorite series and spend thousands of hours mastering their favorite character and climbing the leaderboards. Even Dota players will have 4000+ hours and still have beautiful and memorable moments of having fun even in losing games. But current and former LoL players seem to universally have nothing but negative feelings towards the game and everyone they've ever played with. That game destroys friendships more than any other and turns nice socially well-adjusted people into raging autists.