>>96747546Is this Korone irl I want to put my penis inside ofthis person and have many hafu babies. I am over 6 and a half feet tall so our children would easily dominate Japan and the only realistic outcome is that my seed takes over the island and in 100 years Japan looks like a different place. Tall, hazel eyed, and strong. Strong enough to face China? maybe. It will depend on how the coming decades form. I believe in the Japanese economy because they are a huge exporter of entertainment and entertainment is a purely Good with a capital G thing to add to the world. They can very easily spread to take over not just the minds but the souls of the Chinese invaders that will arise after the fall of the US (MEIDOS PLEASE DONTBAN FOR OFFTOPIC THIS ALLRELATES TO VTUBERS I SWEAR) the entertainment sector has most recently taken a turn towards vtubers with Cover and Anycolor taking HUGE market shares from traditional anime productions. I think that with these two companies spearheading the assault, the minds of the children being raise not just int he east but in the entire world can be guided towards a society of enlightenment where people value Meritocracy (learned in animes such as Dragon Ball Z) and Friendship (learned by watching and seeing the Generation structure of Vtubers). We as members of 4chan (one of the premier and forward most discussion platforms) can make a real change in the world by continueing to promote Hololive to the general masses. Thank you for doing what you do. I have purchase just over $200 of merchandise in my time in Hololive and I will c0ntiniue to do the same and I would implore and suggest that you do the same