>>59497095Sometimes I see pebbles here say something like
>yeah biboo teases a little but she's nowhere near as lewd as this other girl who's constantly making sex jokes nonstopbut constant sex jokes are anything but lewd for me, that's just me and the bros telling stupid dick jokes in the back of the high school classroom or Newsground-era internet jokes circa 2000s or "JP girl acts like a meme horny otaku" at best. Yeah, I guess it's "lewd" technically, but certainly not titillating.
Meanwhile Biboo understands the mahou shoujo quality > quantity theory of fanservice, that the 1-2 second panty shots (her brief stints of intentional fanservice) during an otherwise pure episode just make things even lewder. Hell, she literally talked about her skirt being just the right length to make you imagine things but confirm nothing early on.