>>74383686listen here BUCKO it goes beyond that this is about BASED and CRINGE
there are two worlds one of based and one of cringe, my words of daggers turn to those of the world of cringe as you can see from VIOLENTLY stalking my twitter I follow NUMEROUS (at least 1) trans fellas and NUMEROUS (at least 2) AFRICAN AMERICANS (which include someone whom has received payment for their artistic services. SO watch YEEE tongue you FOUL anon I shall refute your accusations! Are we not also in the worlds of based and cringe? We are all teethering in the border yet some fellows (whom I have no self control of saying despicable things to) DIVULGE themselves in the world of CRINGE (which is the opposite of based) and what if I were to be transphobic and/or racist? Shall that be the entire personificaition of my character? SHALL THIS one sin (technically two) overshadow HUNDREDS (probably a few) good deeds my good man? I shall kindlly IDISAGREE to this ruleset of being as the INVERSE is also NOT TRUE say someone were to be anti transphobic and anti racist are they free of sin? NAY! they are not free of sin! What say you to this plea? A LOOK into MY MIND (the BASED MIND) honk