>>20661639I can empathize with a lot of these points (except the faking being abused for attention) and personally being a shut in came from hating how I looked. Its never good to blame parents for your own shortcomings but I know for a fact a huge insecurity I have is acne and it was brought up by my mother constantly hounding me for not letting her pick at my face (because it hurt like hell and would cause scars) or not following super strict face routines, she would call me things like Pizza face to try to use negativity as a way to get me to do it but all it did was push me farther down self hate and staying away from people.
I recognize she did this out of trying to help me, but it did fuck me up mentally for years.
The point I am trying to make that isn't just monologuing is trying to understand why she would choose to be a neet over going outside (I'm sure it has something to do with insecurity in herself) and trying to find a way to help her remedy that whether its hair or weight or something like that. That is at least what I would have wanted someone to do for me back then.