When the Taiwan yab happened, Yogiri was the only chuuba out of HoloCN that refused to support the harassment campaign that was set against Coco and Haachama.
When Cover decided to disband HoloCN, albeit it was a justified move after the amount of Zhangs swarming the chats of the other talents to no end and it worked as a way to save their asses to the eyes of the world, it was also a move with a lot of lasting consequences for the whole company.
Chinese based or related traits, celebrations (like their lunar year) or aesthetical ornaments had to be abandoned, the chance of obtaining permissions for several games, movies and karaoke tracks would forever be lost...
And in between there was Yogiri, a girl that was completely devoted to Vtubing and Idol culture overall, extremely determined and with an amazingly kind spirit, she had no other option but to follow suit if that meant that she could save the other holos from their own people's harassment.
She was looking forward to stream with her 3D model and to be able to show her dancing skills to her fans, a wish she was able to fullfil with her graduation stream, and a great performance it was.
After what was witnessed today, and knowing what happened to her post-graduation... I can only just think of how she was the ultimate victim of all that debacle... Why did it had to end like this?