>>97200890Is it on me to note that Armis is having a full month to show their 3D? Is it on me to note that ERB is actively siding with losers with no audience? Probably, but I get made aware of it. I don't want to be given opportunities to have shots from the free throw line against the special needs kids, but Cover NEEDS to let me know about them, they need to say they can compete with the main branch. So I get to find easy evidence of them not doing shit to salvage themselves, then Cover will retreat, find another way to show their ass and think this time for sure, I can take them seriously. Maybe another homo will tell a good fart story then.
Most importantly, it's all free, I don't have to spend a cent on something this easy, they provide me with all the ammo if they don't shoot themselves in the foot beforehand. You can have a glass house, but maybe they should think before they decide to throw stones from it is all I'm saying.