Day 3 of asking the Devs why the rope is 6.6 MB
>be me>open nasfaq on a different machine>watch the rope in my inventory load REAAAAAAAAAL slow like>get curious, check network tab >>6.6 MBDevchama, why does the server keep getting bogged, and why is it this extremely detailed, high-resolution png of a rope?
only 200 AZKi pics on danbooru, half of them are porn with small tits that somehow still look like bolt-ons, no MMD available for putting her in goofy poses with overkill shaders. I might run out of AZKi art I actually like before they show up>86341ms response time for getHistory?timestamp=1633492800000, ew
>200126ms for getHistory?timestamp=1633147200000 and then the Activity page froze anyways, so I don't get to see it
none of that was botted, scripted, or in Google Sheets, that's just what happens if you switch days in "Activity"There were a few anons that were asking if looking at activity for other days was broken. It isn't. But you might break the server or crash your browser trying to do so. I was going to see if loading Saturday's history would be enough to move forward to other days, and after unfucking the viewport, it isn't. If you click Sunday after that, it will make another getHistory request even though it's seemingly already requested everything going back to Saturday.
>Activity Tab
>Pick the day you want
>Go make a cup of tea or something
>See that "History" for that day has loaded
>Then, and only then, switch to "My History"