>>79825854There is only imbalance in the romance if you want there to be. Also any relationship teeters on favoring one side over the other, that's how things progress until a true balance is achieved. Part of the whimsy of romance is navigating those uncertainties, feeling you have the upper hand, or battling with the uncertainty of possible being at a disadvantage, and doing all you can to tip the scales.
I usually don't bring in conflicts because I feel those are better saved in a writer's pocket until the actual reveal itself to a reader. Being broad with a conflict idea like maybe
>Inter-kingdom conflicts are on the rise, requiring Noel to take more trips to the front, forcing you to either sneak there yourself to help her however you can, OR>Using whatever non-combat skills you have to take a risky gamble for a diplomatic solution to the conflict, likely one that lands your ass in a cooking cauldron to speakI think you would likely not make Noel a hard androphobe in whatever story you got. She could easily be written to not have an innate attraction to men, so she just doesn't seek them out, or because of her physical features, she's come to think all men are pigs. She may not outright hate men or the idea of being intimate with one, but it's not really on her radar until a dude comes along that she shares a strong emotional connection with.