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I’ve said this shit before and I’ll say it again no matter how many niggas wanna deny it, Ame’s got ADHD and until that shit gets addressed she will NEVER meet the standards she wants to hit to return
>She’s said herself she’s got a terrible work ethic.
>She’s said herself she gets stressed by deadlines.
>She’s said herself she tries to stream to avoid the stress from said deadlines.
>She’s said herself that knowing she’s avoiding something she’s supposed to do drains the enjoyment out of streaming, and so she just does nothing instead.
>She’s said herself that she’s not good at keeping consistent long term with tasks; FishTank, Ame Morning News, etc.
THESE ARE NOT NORMAL PEOPLE PROBLEMS. And if you go “nuh-uh, I deal with that and I’m normal” NO YOU FUCKING AREN’T. She has to get that shit straightened out herself, whether through extensive tools & programs to make task management easier, real psychiatric help, or fucking whatever she does to give herself structure, in order to actually improve. I have my doubts on her being able to make the changes necessary on her own… but hey, #AmeWay.