>>11831700Well, Lia Likers (or Lia Cuckolds now), welcome to the fold. If it isn't a deal breaker for you, over time you will become desensitized to the concept. Every time she does something cute or relatable, that usual pang of affection you once so often and so freely indulged in will be crushed under the weight of the harsh reality. Every piece of fanservice will be accompanied by a caveat, all GFE an asterisk, each olive branch a catch, and all giggles a tear.
Eventually it will take its toll. You will, for the first real time, truly understand the phrase 'dead inside' as the two of them interact disproportionately on stream. Following this, sleep, responsibilities, hope; all will be replaced by the bottle, then the needle, and then, when the time is right...
t. Capipalist