>>22915117You enter the presence of the enemy here. A 50/50 mix of they the reason for, and artists making meme meta catalyst out of their shortfallen crimethink. Anyone who wants to talk to you about mental illness or psychiatric medication here is a communist out for control freak political motivated violence by way of low blow pseudoscience lying. Simple as. It's ok to hear voices be they clairaudience or people's 5g phones. It is not ok to take shrink meds which is druggies out to brain damage others down to their level that need to grow up.
She is ameliorated best by the oilers that have so far restored to her no less than one tenth of the money her USA birthright family has had stolen by the federal reserve. Other than that she cums best from being sort of a homo.
What you can do is hardcore end the Fed by getting everything the Federal Reserve taxes you back from now on. Give it to her.