>>31237467>1I completely understand that. I can see why I come off as hard to work with, I’d like to do my best to amend these opinions in the future when I have more spare time.
>2I… Understand this as well. I do love my kouhais very much, but it is very true that I do not speak to them often. I want to give feedback and such, but I always seem to catch up too late to reasonably comment. This is something I take blame for. Although I will say on the point with the other old reps, they are also typically the only ones who will address me directly. OGsuner is of course the most recognizable in this manner, but there are also those like the Deadbeats who commune with me somewhat often. On the flip side of this, I don’t believe you’ve ever directly spoken to me about things excluding perhaps a handful of times like the spider island. Yet I acknowledge, however, that this is too partially my fault as I do not really promote conversation often.
>3I really have nothing to say against this one. It’s just a true statement. I’m very obsessive about my work and although I can collaborate and build with others outside, I am incapable of doing so with others inside.
>4I believe my response to the second point correlates here. I don’t come off as very chatty, I believe. I do feel as if the way I type could also be regarded as stiff. Yet the biggest offender I would say is the variety of my expertise. People have come to me for help with speculative biology and such, but I am not as much of an expert in matters that others are. Simply put, there are just better options than me to pick from.
>5Truth be told I’ve felt extremely guilty recently for not having everything written down. I have, in the limited spare time I earn, been working on EVERYTHING that I have not written down. But it has been a painfully slow process and for that I do truly apologize. It may be an excuse, but it really does feel as if life tightens its grip on me whenever it feels I am having a bit too much spare time. I just wish I could push it all out already, I truly do.