>>7281868Exactly. Just because this is "free" content doesn't make the fact that enforcing any kind of punitive action is going to be damn near impossible. It's still infringing.
Besides, it's not like Soda's got fat stacks that can be seized even if they were subject to some kind of IP law.
Worst thing that can happen is they lose the YouTube channel, and that would only happen if any of the three parties who actually have any legitimate claims (Cover for the content, KyoAni for the character, and potentially Lyytoaoitori for the art) find this worth acting on.
If anything, Ollie's yab might've been the first nail in the coffin. If this gets enough traction some oji-sans at Cover will be pissed. And I find that absolutely hilarious. Based retard zoomer.>>7281985See above. I'm almost confident in claiming that Soda will face no LEGAL action, because there's practically none to take. But YouTube-kun can still act because of ToS. Only rights holders can make those claims though,
like the ones against a certain doxxnigger that just got ABAYO'd.