Quoted By:
>Migo groggily opens her eyes, but all she sees is an unfamiliar tiled ceiling
>She looks around, her vision still blurry, and sees that she's in a bleak hospital ward, surrounded by white
>Her memory flashes back to the previous day, where she remembers being forced to drink a full gallon of Suisei's ringo before passing out, the last thing she heard was the sound of her head hitting the piss-soaked bathtub floor
>Migo tries to call for help, anything to signal that she was awake, but her throat could only make a gargling sound
>She waits for what must have been half an hour before she hears footsteps approaching
>Relieved, Migo's head fills with thoughts of Suisei's torture in the past, recalling all the times she was forced to drink her apple juice and the humiliation that she experienced
>Could the previous night be the last time Suisei would put her hand on Migo's throat and force her to swallow her pee? She wonders
>A figure saunters through the doorframe of the hospital ward, and Migo's heart immediately sinks as she recognises the blue locks of the woman who's dressed in a doctor's costume
>"Mikochi, did I give you permission to pass out? Now it's time to face your punishment", growls 'Dr. Hoshimachi', or at least that's what her nametag identifies her as
>Migo looks around frantically, trying to distract herself from the needle Suisei is holding in her hand, only to notice the IV drip in the corner, the bag filled with a familiar yellow liquid...