>>62221745As lovely as good as best as always love her love love love love lovelovlevleovle/10
Actually pretty good, even if cheap/10
Since Tenma mentioned, ironically, that "porn is disgusting", I started to think about it, and, yet again, I have come up to the same conclusion that porn is cheap pleasure, which makes it disgusting. Not cheap pleasure is usually art, and you need to actively engage in it to be fully pleased, which makes it, you know, not cheap. You need to have some kind of intellectual ability or some kind of good qualities of the soul to be able to actively engage with art. Porn, on the other hand, is cheap, it's a poor man's pleasure, and the poor should suffer. Poor not in an economic sense, but in more of a metaphysical one. And also the public aspect of porn, it does negative influence the person who's constantly consuming it, I just don't see any reason for me to explain how. I'm also bored now.
>>62222108I didn't make it in time, unfortunately.