>>79511109None, originally during gameplay through my Marfusha and Cavalry Girls play all was good. Then I played Hookah Haze and then thats when I got a warning that stated it thought it was someone else on my acct.
After that boom hit, then I did trouble shooting and it went back live so I sat there talking and zatsuing with nothing in the back ground no songs no ost then boom hit.
The third time was when I said fuck it we ball and played the game anyway then Boom final hit.
Only thing I can think of is it may have been a manual strike and they were looking for a reason due to no permissions or white list not sure. No reason was ever given and usually when it comes to copyright claims it will tell me where it is and i can trim, cut, or mute but this is the first case where it gave me no reason.
Continued onto twitch and all from there went well but you know Twitch LOL... Only saving grace is that I do Dual stream so everything was caught live on twitch LOL
Picture Tax me as a Goblin