>>45250719>Step 3There will be two main antagonist voices inside you. One will be the part of you that believes it's in a relationship with Pink Rabbit. The other will be an animus of the Pink Rabbit herself, which is a chimeric fusion of simulated interactions with her as well as emotional colors associated with the good feelings you had while watching her in the past. You may be tempted to reason with the voices, and use logic and "reality" to convince them, but THIS WILL NOT WORK. This is an opponent who knows your very thoughts as you think them, and shares all understanding with you. You must instead acknowledge and thank them. This is the necessary requirement to subsume them.
Continue this process until the protests that they raised have calmed. Remember! They know what you are doing as you are doing it, you cannot trick them, but they will still drink your acknowledgement because they cannot resist it.
>Step 4Summon reinforcements. Memories and things from before you met Pink Rabbit. Begin to remember all of your other favorite things. Did you have a non-vtuber waifu? Open the folder with her pictures and appreciate them. Did you have a video game you loved dearly that Pink Rabbit has not streamed before? Reinstall it and play it again, or browse fanart of it. Favorite music album? Start playing it, and step away from the computer so it gets the foreground appreciation it deserves. All of the things in your life that used to bring you pleasure, before Pink Rabbit overshadowed them.
The longer you have been controlled by Pink Rabbit, the more difficult this part of the process will be. But it is not impossible! Remember to continue to acknowledge and thank the animus of Pink Rabbit each time it raises up.