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yo you wanna learn how to do a fuckin infinite? Imma teach your motherfuckin bitch ass easiest shit in the motherfucking nijien three, nijien two, fuck it, I don’t give a fuck, Shu Yamino. Alright jump up in the air, hit up fuckin heavy kick yeah and then it’s motherfuckin, LIGHT PUNCH, MEDIUM PUNCH, LIGHT KICK, HEAVY PUNCH. hold diagonal in whichever way you fuckin going you only hit h fuckin up motherfuckin heavy kick, you can’t do it on the ground motherfucker, that shit don’t work. Let’s start this motherfucker off right, ah, ow, ow, ow, dropped that shit. Redo it motherfucker, ah, ow, how’s it taste? Keep the rhythm up. If you fuck up the rhythm, the motherfucking combo will drop motherfucker. Keep that motherfucking shit up, you keep that same motherfucking rhythm, if you drop this motherfucker then it will not be motherfucking cool. You can cancel it out into a motherfucking heavy punch ultra, but I ain’t gonna do that shit, ah. It drops after motherfucking fifty nine hits motherfucker, that shit’s crazy. Fifty four, fifty five. When you’re doing it in the corner, don’t hold straight diagonal, after motherfucking two to four hits it’ll drop, just like that.