>>79104401it's been a long time since i've gotten to do this so here i go
very good overall, im not a footfag either but i appreciate the poetic description and the simile you used. However
>kneading her solekneading refers specifically to hands
>starting to whimper, you honestly don’t think you’ve got it in you anymore to try and salvage any semblance of control from this situationthis sentence reads a little awkwardly, primarily because of the gerund "starting", it throws the flow of the sentence off, and also segues into my next point, that being that your tenses are inconsistent. You seem more comfortable writing in the present tense so I'd stick with that past the perfect tense in the first sentence.
>meeting her gaze she’s staring, boring holes into you, “say please immy, i love my sweet little sister”personally I'd split the quotation into its own line because this sentence also reads awkwardly due to your particular style of comma usage
>squirming and whimpering as she pumps your dick between her soft little feet.this isn't a full sentence, it's an incomplete clause
>her little panting and moaning from the exertion, how much she must want you to cum, egging you on as much as the pleasure her feet are working into you.this sentence honestly took me a couple rereads to figure out what you were even saying, i'd rewrite that completely
also since you did it twice i assume the fact that the protagonist doesnt have quotation marks is intentional, so i wont criticize that
but again, generally good, i hope you write more in the future