>>72807372Here's the video solution if you wanna go in depth. For "summary" read the rest:
https://youtu.be/zfIomUELg6c (btw the video has a link to the puzzle and the rules in the description if you wanna try.)
the reason for the crowding is that it has a ton of useless clues. This is normal for wrogn puzzles (aka puzzles where you have to break the clues instead of making them true) to avoid clues being abused. (If for example you knew only black dots that are necessary are added you already know the first number on the dot would be even or else the clue wouldn't be needed to begin with.)
This particular puzzle was made mercifully in that some of the hints are so obviously wrong its meant to drive home how they're visual noise. Eg, any outside clue higher than 45 is added purely for humor, as 45 is the maximum you can get in a line.
Another act of mercy by the creator was starting us in box 1, so the intuitive starting point is the real one. More concretely you need to know that outside clues are both skyscraper clues are both skyscrapers and addition clues. So any "1" is telling you thay the square right beside it can't be either 1 or 9 since either of those would make one of its versions true (1 for the addition and 9 for the skyscraper). Then add that to the maximum square and you easily get the 9 with thanks to the white circle gets you the 1, and then you gotta move on to the first 3 boxes filling in first 1s and 9s and then the rest, until its eventually time to move down.
Another hint for this beauty is that it goes by layers, so you generally don't have to move down until you filled most of a layer.
>>72806960You haven't known real sudoku till you've beaten this rite of passage at least once my fren.