>>46690916you really don't want me to edit this thing in this state anon. I will break four other things.
you can make it work right now, but you have to put big boy pants on
>make an account at ngrok.com>verify email>copy your authtoken to your clipboard, don't share it>in colab uncheck the localtunnel box, blank out the username/password boxes>you have to edit some code in "LET'S FUCKING GO" until I make it let you switch between the three different services:>make I think line 86 say:share=''
ie. remove "--share" from in there, keep the apostrophes
>in the extrauserargs or whatever box, put--ngrok YOURTOKENHERE --ngrok-region us
>replace "us" with the appropriate region: https://ngrok.com/docs/platform/pops/>works really. REALLY. wellthe bit of code I stole from TheLastBen's notebook doesn't handle grabbing your ngrok URL - so you will see it printed in the console BEFORE it's actually ready. when you see the "greencheckmark Connected" message and, then you can open the ngrok link
>>46691093see above. other than gradio
the interface, not the tunnel service being a fuckin shit, voldy's implementation of it being kind of shit, and most of all, both gradio.live and localtunnel being an extra fuckin shit today - you can get better performance with ngrok.