Quoted By:
>all those fagots saying it's too long
Retards, that's the point of this wiki article
Don't listen to then anon, anons, dads, whoever is responsible for the wiki page - godspeed, that's the best page on the whole side. And it's well written too.
The fact that the small indie chuuba has the biggest and most autistic page is amazing. Reminder that the actual wikipedia pages with the "quality article" award are long as fuck too.
Also I'm a fan of archieving things so having a place with everything being written out is unironically great.
The only thing I'd change is maybe add a tl;dr at the beginning of the site for people that actually want to learn something about Bea and don't have time to read through all of this. Also, adding every single picture that Bea has made to the gallery side would be nice too since she's really good at drawing. It lacks a pic of her new model too.
tl;dr based