Quoted By:
>going to the event she's going to despite having no interest in whatever it is, maybe some touhou shit or a random idol I've never heard of
>scoping out the event and all its entrances, exits, emergency exits
>memorizing the floor plan and all womens restrooms and their locations
>putting potent topical anesthetic on the restroom handles of the two women's restrooms I know through careful study that she is most likely to use, roughly 15 minutes before she is most likely to use it (also ascertained by careful study of her behavior; I drugged her morning orange juice at the hotel with a potent diuretic so I know she'll have to piss within a certain time frame)
>she does, through study of over 5 years of streams I've determined which stall she is most likely to use (3rd from the entrance) and have set up a subtle reservoir system to collect her urine without contamination with the rest of the bowl or any potential other urine or matter that some random filthy whore that is not my angel may have left there
>after she leaves the bathroom to return to the line, the anesthetic has seeped through the pores in her hand and is breaching the blood brain barrier, leaving her still awake but and able to stand on two feet but compliant and generally unbothered in a state of detached euphoria
>using honed stealth techniques and theatrical distractions I cut the line to be directly behind her
>the spring loaded trigger device that releases on radio signal from the channel 17 walkie talkie in my coat pocket, upon being pressed, sets off multiple fire alarms in the venue leading everyone but her, docile and dazed, and myself, scrambling to exits
I proceed to do what I've been waiting for all my life...