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You wait outside the mall in the darkness. Your phone screen, and the softly glowing cherry of the cigarette between your lips are the only things keeping the night at bay. Centre management had been killing the lights earlier to keep running costs low during the retail down period.
Normally you would be out earlier but there was a backlog of orders to process. The casual ditched their shift, the patients were acting out of pocket and IT only fixed the means to send data to the the laboratory in the early even. Today was 12 hours of straight bullshit.
You left the car at home because you thought it would be a simple day. The buses weren't running at this hour and the taxi fare back would be too much. Snuffy needed the car for something important. She never mentioned what for.
Your phone buzzes.
"Pulling into the car park now dude."
It buzzes again.
"I see you twink."
You hear Snuffy before you see her. She's blasting Vengabus. You shield your eyes from the head lights set on high beam. The car's suspension is bouncing as much as her, while she bobs around in the driver's set. Snuffy throws her head out of the window, making a serious expression, "Come with me if you want to live." showing off her best Arnie impression.
You smile, butt out your cigarette, throw your bag in the boot and hop into he passengers seat. Once you hit the road Snuffy and you talk about your days. She giggles about the crap you had to put up with, bringing up some of her retail horror stories. She then goes on about how she just really chilled, reading Wikipedia articles and learning how female hamster eggs can be fertilised by the sperm of any species. She lets out a cackle that infects you too.
At an intersection on the way Snuffy pulls up to traffic lights and goes silent for a moment, before turning to you. "Hey man, do you mind if we take a detour?", her eyes point down with her lashes nearly covering her gaze, a soft smile resting on her lips. There is no way you could turn her down.
You drive pretty far out of town to an overlook. Snuffy cuts the engine and let's out a sigh. You ask what your doing up here. Snuffy reaches over to grab your hand, rubbing it softly. "Well you always take me out on cute dates, and I wanted to do the same for you for once.", she mumbles out, avoiding eye contact. She gives you a tug, ushering you out of the car.
Snuffy tells you to chill for a bit while she rummages through the boot. You look down on the lights of the town, having another cigarette, trying to ignore the bang and clanging behind you.
You feel Snuffy spinning you around suddenly yelling "TADAAA!". So that is why she wanted the car today. There is a picnic blanket laid out, a portable projector behind it, and a sheet hanging over the side of the car.
"Movie night under the stars!" says Snuffy throwing her head and arms back up in the air. She then starts going on enthusiastically about Eraserhead, the movie that Coqui was on about. You had already seen it years ago, but didn't want to ruin the effort she put into planning this.
At least that was the plan. None of you remembered the heavy sleet storm that was meant to be rolling in later. You barely get to the family dinner scene with the munted looking chicken before it starts bucketing down. There's no chance to save the projector.
You're now in the cabin, soaked to the bone. You both strip off, fold down the back seats and lay entwined together sharing body heat. Snuffy is fairly upset, "Sorry. I fucked it up", she mumbles, hiding her face against your chest. You explain that you're just happy to spend time together, and that whatever your doing is secondary.
Snuffy sighs, "You're too much of a sweet heart, you know that right?", you can feel her grinning teeth on your skin. Her hand reaches for your cock that has shrunk from the chilling rain. "Get hard already."