>>4142671From comparative mythology, we know that a hero must at some point perform the rite of Katabasis: the descent into the Underworld. Hell. Odysseus summons the spirits of the dead to consult with them, Izanagi travels into the afterlife to retrieve Izanami before learning the truth, Christ descends into Sheol in order to retrieve the righteous dead, and so on. The mark of a true Hero is one who can descend into the underworld, and make it back out. Changed by the experience (how can one not be?) but reborn, rather than staying dead.
Koopa, now, must descend into Hell on Earth. The Realm of Queen Calafia, The State Rich in Gold but Poor of Spirit, the name that strikes terror in the hearts of all who hear it: California. Will she come back out intact, as the same gun-loving mommy who approves of cute anime girls, or will the darkness consume her? We simply do not know. Pray, anon. All we can do is pray.