>>29360571Not the rep but I'm the idiot who wrote the army rentry. Since its inception /who/'s army is mostly built around fighting schizos. It's favored tactic on the field is to use overwhelming firepower, with the aid of field fortifications to whittle down the schizos before they get in melee range. Since that's where they are most effective with their enhanced strength and pain tolerance, this also reduces the risk of magic users causing a mass rout due to incoherence. This tactic would develop together with technological developments and nowadays the army still prefers being on the defensive, digging trenches if possible or taking a defensible position while they advance under artillery fire to wipe out any remaining enemy. Every officer, commissioned or non commissioned would be taught the basics of dealing with schizos and their weaknesses. I never wrote it but from how I envisioned it there really isn't a special anti-schizo army since it's the closest and most immediate threat, even if we see /inf/ as our rival. And there's also the constant threat that schizo cells and flare up within the borders and cause trouble. So rather than which army is specialised in dealing with schizos, the better answer would be which one is the most well trained, experienced and equipped. The best legions would be stationed in the Western coast, North Eastern border and near the important economic districts. But I have still yet to make a unit roster. If there really is a unit that's specialised in dealing with schizos, rather than a regular army unit in the normal chain of command they would be attached under whatever department that deals with such issues or reports directly to the high command/government heads. One of the hoomans is writing the EE unit and I think it would be the closest we've got. It depends on how he envisions it to work. There's also the rangers that the rep is working on. In short I don't think (or rather have written down anything) regarding a unit that specializes in fighting Schizos. But If you want to write about one do post it. Me and other hoomans can help you with that.