>>96104965On the off chance you're not just a troll, let me tell you the harsh reality of life.
Oli has an anti, Lina has one, miia, even kitanya and nina who are just very sweet girls get antis and cuckposts.
You won't escape it no matter where you go unless it's completely off 4chan. Every vtuber is anti'd, some by just randos and some by other, smaller vtubers who want to get ahead by way of character assassination. Just the other day I saw someone posting a brand new vtuber, no PL, just debuted, and one of the first posts in that thread was
>doesn't she have a husband?You may think,
>I'll just go to /v/ or /tv/ and talk about video games or television!even they're not safe, in fact it's more rampant. /vg/ isn't safe either. There's nowhere on 4chan itself that is completely free of antis and cuckposting. You will encounter it no matter where you go on this site. That's just 4chan. The mods allow it so the posting runs rampant.
Even /toy/ of all places, the small board for toys has rampant cuckposting that never gets deleted.