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Good night saru! It was a nice stream. I'm pretty burned out from this week so I'm going to sleep now. Hope you have a nice night and hope you feel better.
Good night Rael!
Good night lig.
RE: dating viewers:
It definitely happens, I used to watch 1 vtuber who dated a viewer. I stopped watching her because it got very awkward with him still in chat.
I dont like the view that non streamers are somehow in another class and cant be friends with or date streamers that a lot of people have, usualy it's other viewers saying nooo you can't date a vtuber they're so far above us mere viewers. Sure Its unlikely youll befriend a streamer but its becasue of the numbers, like you said, not becuase of the nature of streaming. The same thing happens with for example schools. if theres some super popular girl in school that everyone loves and youre some nobody asking her out, shes not going to do like in mangas and pick you over the 100 other guys. But if youre well known and social and the captain of the debate club, you might have a shot. Same with streamers. if you have nothing diffirentiating you from the 1000 other fans, dont confess, but if youre also a streamer, and youre active and social and people know you, you might have a shot if you get a lucky break. Basicly what I'm saying is if you want to date a streamer, you need to be better than all the other options she has, and you need to show it. Like dont be a male feminist with 50 followers and no other internet presence and confess to someone who openly hates femanists and youve never talked to like that one guy.
Not going to lie i kind of like it when these nobodies confess to you and you shit on them, its like yeah, i have a hot oshi gf and you dont have a shot with her, shes chats.