>>1017774you know what's odd? i had no knowledge of her previously but just disliked her way of speaking... i think the over self-consciousness is why. i had a friend like this for a time, still is i suppose, and trust me -- they've burned bridges. i know they're good inside, but i can't excuse what they do.
i guess it's similiar here, except my brain just locks the doors and throws fire down along the walls. that mental illness of self confidence i can't deal with, atleast while the person refuses to face it head on.
but, because poor souls find good company amongst each other, i'll say she strikes a couple illnesses i know too well among me: anxiety, BPD, adhd. might sound like your average armchair psychologist but i've met a great many people with all shades of these forms, some enough to have life's progress stop as we'd know it. hope she takes some meds or something for it, i've seen people destroy relationships with many micro momentary anxiety attacks and all else spread out over time.