>>1026631>>1026714We started being the same primitive homo sapiens. Fuckton of years of environmental adaptation is what causes the differences.
The ones who were in the south and equator had a more hot climate with more overgrow of natural resorces ready to be picked up. The abundance of plants led to abundance of hervibores and then predators. This environments selects for high melanine (sun), short term reward thinking (just pick the fruit bro), strength and quick reactions (fuck predators).
Some migrated to the north. Colder environment with less resources.This selects for low melannin (sun), long term reward thinking (survive the winter, craft complex shit for survival) and similar things.
A complex society just happens to benefit the north people's traits. City gang behavior is basically an expression of the old tribal behavior (fight enemies, grab what you can, value physical traits, loyalty to the group etc)
Same in India, where the higher caste migrated from the north.
If globalization stays and we dont kill each other, just give em enough time for evolution to take place and same shit will happen. You could speed it up by incentivising families in the higher end of the bell curve though