Since we're talking about the StarsEN and holoEN, let's see what everyone thinks about this. If we ever get the holostarsEN branch, how do you want the rules to be?
A) StarsEN gets the same deal as JP, they cannot ever ask the girls to collab, only the girls can do that. Treated as very separate from HLEN
B) StarsEN are arguably more equal with the EN girls but not the JP girls. Can ask the EN girls for collabs + regularly interact etc
C) Other (explain)
I'd go with A personally. I want them to get to be their own independent thing and I'm sure people would just collab beg all the time and see them as accessories if it's any other way. That and I want them to have their own mc server, cuz it'd be cool.
>>10405516iirc they aren't allowed to talk about that stuff, so there almost certainly is none.