>>10414666This isn't such a brave unpopular opinion like you think it is. Most people >here have little love lost for takamori and are rather glad its over, just as they can admit that Kiara herself was a large part of why it didn't "work". We "criticize" her all the time (why, just above you is a long reply chain wishing for her to make better game choices, a common topic), the difference is that we do it with positive intentions, and it's easy to distinguish that from negative eggs who just want to tear her down.
As for Ametori, I'll take it with this
>>10412046For it to not get "awkward" you just need to set the ground rules early. Ame did that reasonably well by shutting down Gurameschizos before it got out of hand, so they can have their interactions without faggots in chat making too much of a drama out of it. Takamori didn't, and tried to be a "serious, established" ship right out of the gate, and yes, that's also on Kiara's fault as well, she encouraged it instead and played into it too much (whether that's out of a desire to stick to their "character plan" they set before debut, or just out of an imagined obligation to pander ongoing to the takamori fans they had cultivated), so when it became too much to handle and there wasn't any juice left in it (ie. the potential of the ship was long played out and dried up, versus the fan expectations who continue bugging her about it), she had to course-correct too late and finally put it out of its misery.
A similar thing, on a much smaller scale, also happened with the "bottom left" meme, remember? She started it, played into it for a while (so yeah, if you want to call that "her fault", sure there it is), but the retardo chat can't help themselves to spam a joke that was just meant for special occasions into the ground indiscriminately, then you'll have to call them out to reign in their faggotry and look like a party pooper or a hypocrite for doing it (or at least that's what eggs try to make it into with their baitposts). If there's a "Kiara-Problem" in there, it's probably that she could do a better job of managing her memes (ie. what memes get started in the first place, what memes get nipped in the bud right away) and not feel like she has to play into stuff for longer than she likes just out of a sense of appeasement to retard fans until it finally becomes so odious that she has to put her foot down anyway.