>How the fuck does she do it?
>What does clay taste like? ...I actually used to have a really strong urge to eat clay used in school, I don't know what kind of clay it was. But it was gray and you had to use water so it stayed moist, and then you'd put it in the kiln afterwards. But the smell was very pecu- peculiar. Peculiar, and nowadays it's what the kids would say 'mm good soup' uh, but back then, I dunno I definitely wanted to eat it though
>Yeah moist clay, because it would get this kind of milky texture, right, kinda like it's- it's like ice cream when, if you mix milk with your ice cream a little bit, and your ice cream is still solid for the most part, but it has that like milky film around it. That's what the clay would turn into. It was... I mean I wanted to eat it, I didn't, I stopped, 'cuz obviously you can't eat it.
>Another thing I also had the urge to eat- why is this music so loud? Another thing I had an urge to eat was um... paper maiche, like when you dip the newspaper in the glue it smells really good, maybe that's the scent of glue. I think I would've been a glue eater, um, if I hadn't have been- I wasn't one. But I definitely would've been a glue eater. Did you guys eat glue?
>None of you ate glue? Oh some of you eat glue, I see I see