I guess if you want to be really cynical about it it's easy to sneer at someone for having a dream of being a star, or being an idol, or being famous. With Kiara it was even more specific than that, it was moving to Japan and pursuing her dream there, just cause she was a weeb and she liked their culture and their music and she wanted to be like the people who made the things she enjoyed. This isn't dox by the way, this is all stuff she's said in her streams. She's fairly transparent about it, just like she is with all her feelings. Kiara reached a point where she was "done with dreaming" in her own words. She was getting old, had failed a few times to do what she wanted to do, and was running out if ideas. What she tells us it that her application to Hololive was pretty pushy, she practically told them "you HAVE to hire me, I'm perfect for this." In my opinion she was right, though I understand not everyone is a fan of hers right now.
Is dreaming of being an idol a silly thing? Maybe it is. Maybe you want to sneer at her for that, and I guess that's your prerogative. Dreaming of being a Youtuber is too, of course, and that's the #1 dream job of young people in our day and age. I just find it interesting, heartwarming, and even a little inspiring that Kiara managed to find a way of achieving her dream, maybe not in the way she originally envisioned, but in a way that gives her the flexibility she needs to move home and be close to her family, while still using the skills and cultural knowledge she gained during her ill-fated bid at stardom. And I am also glad because it's letting her showcase talents she wouldn't have been able to as an idol, like her great sense of banter, her high comedy IQ, awesome sense of humour that let her be such an entertaining and lively streamer in Hololive. Good for you, Kiara. You didn't do what you thought you were going to do, but where you wound up has been a blessing, and you're making a lot of people very happy.