Usually a negative. The here forever types like gura and Kiara don't explicitly advertise it or wear it as a badge of honor because troll culture is just a part of their identity. In that sense it's a positive to neutral aspect because it makes those chubas relatable, for better or worse.
Then you've got the tourists and ironic here's who are either looking for attention or trying to get clout from being le edgy pseudo anonymous shitposter. Nobody likes tools and posers specifically because they're just imitating a cartoonist caricature of what board culture truly is. Most of the overtly here chubas are this. Nyanners proved to be this as well.
What the latter don't seem to understand (likely because they're too young or new) is that just posting on 4chan doesn't make a chuba a true here. There's an actual 4chan mindset and culture, as well as reasons behind it that can be found in past happenings on 4chan and the internet as a whole. Rather than being burn the world down / everything goes types, classic 4chan culture is largely focused on amoral humor and relatively responsible trolling.
That doesn't mean boundaries don't get pushed or people don't get their shit wrecked. But overt malice and cruelty are frowned upon explicitly because people traditionally drawn to pseudoanonymous image boards know what it's like to be socially homeless and prize the ability to express oneself and freely talk about hobbies/interests above all else.
This is different from places like lolcow or kiwifarms, where the entire point is to find fault with and publically shame people. We love mocking people around here, but that level of exclusionism, hatred and desire for a strictly controlled social hegemony (aka cancel/lynchmob culture) is much more reminiscent of mainstream social media platforms than 4chan.
Now of course, if wannabe ecelebs are gonna come into the anime communuty to psychologically manipulate broken people into giving them money through things like cosplay or vtubing, that's the point at which alarms go off and people get dfeebsive. But aside from that, classic 4chan anime/troll autist culture as a whole usually doesn't give a shit about drama, gossip or real life bullshit when there's shitposting to do or escapism to smother yourself in. That's the mark of a true here, and it's a level of sincerity no chuba can ever fake.
With that said, chubas being here is always a net negative for their mental health and board discussion because they're interacting with the fanbase from the perspective of a creator who has insider knowledge on themselves and possibly others that fans wouldn't know and that the chuba can't share. They'll literally be surrounded by people who have no choice but to seem ignorant and say ignorant things. Chubas looking to discuss vtubers should probably just do it among themselves in a discord and stay out of fan spaces. They already have streams to interact with their fans. Putting on a hat and glasses and then pretending to be one of the proles is only for strong-minded chubas who identify as a fan first and a creator second, and can compartmentalize those two things.